Current Projects

Current Status: Writing

Earth's Core

Dewfoxes: Book III

38,000 of 70,000 words

The Jungle's Secret

Drawchilde: Book IV

complete at 250,000 words

God and Science (working title)

fantasy short story

complete at words 6,500

1000 Words a Day in 2017

December 29, 2017 - Reading time: ~1 minute

I'm not totally sure how much I usually write in any given year. Until quite recently, I never kept track of total output. I'm not sure what gave me the idea, but a year ago in November I started filling in a spreadsheet with each day's word count. At some point this year I decided it would be neat to finish the year with a daily average of 1000 words a day. So here's how that ended up looking.

My output is pretty consistent when I'm writing. But you can see the chunks when I'm not focused on new words, but rather on editing or publishing. My biggest day was just a tad shy of 5k.

So, all in all, I'm satisfied with the year. I always feel like I could/should write more. I have so many projects and they never seem to move quickly enough. Still, now that I know how many words I wrote in 2017, I can use that to inform by goals for 2018.